Saturday, May 21, 2011

Turning 30

It has almost arrived. This week, I turn from being a 20 something, to a 30 year old. And while many around me are unsympathetic to my distress; there are those who share my concern about this milestone.
30 just seems like I really can't call myself a young person any more. And while the Anglican Church (and lets be honest, many other churches) still consider me lumped into the same category as a teenager, I just don't feel it any more. Sigh, I really am going to have to grow up.

But let me state for the record, growing up doesn't mean turning into a complete Nana. I will still dance around the lounge when watching Glee; I will still sleep in on Saturday mornings; and I will still (occasionally) choose chocolate as a legitimate breakfast food group.

Happy Birthday to me.

Rev Annette

Monday, May 16, 2011

reflection for Lent, version two

I realise lent is over, but I thought I'd share my lenten practice with you anyway. For a few years now, I've picked a project (painting, cross stitch, etc) that I can do during lent. Instead of doing it for a specific amount of time each day (I would have been sunk before I began - ENFP on the Myers Briggs), I aim to complete it by the end of lent.
This year I wanted to do a meditation painting based around the tree/vine/plant imagery in the bible (needed a broad topic - see ENFP). I started with a hiss and a roar - then got stuck. A bit like writer's block, but for artists. I was reading, and reflecting, and staring at this giant canvas that I'd begun... and nothing.
I flicked back through my notebook of verses that had struck me and came across Jeremiah 17:7-8 (It will do you good to look it up! Go on, you know you want to!)
It really got to me, and yet it didn't mesh with my lenten painting thus far.

So, hence reflection for lent, version two. Started and completed post lent. But it still feels lent related because it was part of the same journey.
And in case you are wondering, version one is on the wall in my office in all its incomplete glory. I know that at some point I'll break through the block. And in the mean time, I look at it every day and it helps me pray - a reminder to persevere in prayer, that some prayers take time to be answered.

Hope you enjoy the meditation.

